Tuesday, March 21, 2006
About Time

Here is a picture of me asleep on my favourite pillow. I have constantly asked Mum to move those cords but do you think she will. After taking this picture she finally moved them. It has been raining outside all day to day and so I am only venturing out to do the you know what. Nothing like being snuggled up on a rainy wet day.

Nothing exciting has been happening here for a while except Mum is now home with me all the time. I thought maybe she is on holidays but she is still here after 3 weeks. Yippee I am in doggy heaven having her here with me all day. I get to beg little treats off her all the time but Mum says that I have to watch my weight since I had the little injection.

Mum has been showing me pics of other daschies and I heard Nathan and her laughing and ohhh and ahhhing over them - getting a bit jealous here. She said something about joining a list for daschies - not sure what that means though. Ohh well I had better keep a close eye on her.
posted by Annie Bee at 10:13 PM | Permalink |